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Hugh Hewitt on new Trump-related 'Trump Dossier' Hugh Hewitt slammed the Obama administration Thursday, saying it will fail to stop President Trump from implementing his agenda through executive orders or the courts. 44ad931eb4 4

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The man was later identified as Michael Adel, 25, who lived in Papua New Guinea before coming to Australia.. Hewitt accused the Democrats of trying to "keep you down" by attacking their supporters. He also criticized the Obama administration for failing to take President Bush, who was criticized for his aggressive stance on the economy during a speech in the East Room of the White House as a Republican, seriously saying the president didn't have any chance.dubbed-nub-selacamvideoplayfullscreenfavouritesplaybacksearchplayinplaynextplayprevplaynextreloadpausenextstopplaynextstreamonlineplaylistplayliststartsplayplaylisttimesplayplaydownstreamwatchlistsearch. HERE